Sunday, March 16, 2008

My Dear Blog

What do I think about the blog process? Well that's a good question ...

To be sincere, I was not really attracted to use the blog because I prefer real interactions instead of the virtual ones. But I think that it is a certain way to remain in contact with some of us so that' s a good tool, after all.

Also, I appreciate the flexibility of this part of "homework" because we can use our inspiration when proposing our point of view.

Well because the blog is virtual the inspiration is often hard to catch.

Research Project Presentations

Concerning the research project presentations, I sincerely think that it was interesting and flourishing. I generally like all the presentations. Every body (except one) shows that he or she has worked so hard for providing knowledge treasures . I have learnt a lot from some of these presentations.
  • Thank you Dong for attempting to put us in a conscious position about our daily consumption of water... that can help to make a difference.
  • Thank you for your presentation Zicas. Now I definitely know that I would not be attracted by cell phones soon...(lol)
  • Thank you Nour, with your presentation I have paid attention of the smelling sense at least 35 minutes of my life.
  • Thank you Wang for all the diabetes information that you proposed us... it was very useful.
  • Thank you Xixi for trying to explain one of the visible humans' issues: Consuming what is not good for yourself while being conscious of its danger for health (destroying yourself - "slow suicide").
  • Thank you Tomas, trough your presentation you reminded me how powerful jazz music is. Oh yeaaaaaaaa (lol)
  • Thank you Jung, thanks to your presentation you make clear the importance of our critical thinking.
  • Thank you for your presentation Daryl. Even thought I disapproved completely the notion of "competition", I have to say that I appreciate your presentation because it emphases my belief that computers incompatibility is the worst characteristic between Mac and Microsoft(i.e.).
  • Thank you Faisal for having been there for your presentation...
  • Thank you Helen for your flourishing presentation. A real psychologist's job hein ! Don't give up that field Helen.
  • Thank you Yarno for putting forward the case of tobacco. I found the setting of your power point very well made up. Think that you should pursuit the way of communication if you can; because you actually have the method for explaining the main points of one topic.

Thank you all as well as Lili and Adrianne. That experience was truly great !

Monday, March 10, 2008

Cold Water

To come in another country is a real complex situation mostly because you have to adapt yourself to a complete different environment.

Watching the documentary "Cold Water" remembers me how hard it is to be in a new country. During the first weeks after I came in Canada, I was really not comfortable. I didn't like this feeling at all. No friends, no family, nothing! I had to rebuild everything. But I have to say that it was a very interesting experience. As one of the interviewed people said, in that way you do learn a lot about yourself. Now I developed an open mind so I think that if I eventually go to another foreign country I would feel better. In other words, I think that I would be able to interact toward what I do not familiar with. The key is to accept the other cultural behavior without agree or/and adopting the same attitude or behavior of the other... well it is not easy to do (I know) because sometime you do not have the choice to adopt some cultural practices of a country (i.e.: Women have to bring a scarf in some Muslim countries).

What's About Anxiety ?

Anxiety is the type of feelings that you cannot avoid. It's constantly there but you cannot help it!

Even though you know that panicking would not help you at all, you still feel this uncomfortable sensation. I think that is a question of personality and also of experience (but mostly of personality). For example, if you are known as a self-confident person you will simply do what you have to do without any anxiety.

But I wonder, as it is for stress, is it possible that anxiety be good? I don't think so ... It is more risky to fail when being anxious, isn't it?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

"Psychology Applied to Modern Life" some suggestions for the team ...

Hello every body!

I've read a part of the section that we have to read for Monday. I've wrote question just to help me to understand better the author's explanation. I though that I could propose you some questions so that may also help you to clarify some characteristics mentioned in that text book.

Here are the questions that you can ask to yourselves if you want:

A- 1rst section: The Paradox of Progress

1) What is the thesis of the first section? (p.2)

2) What are the 3 nonparallel situations (or examples) that the author proposes? (pp.2-4)

3) Through these examples (or situations) how can we define the expression "The paradox of progress" ? (p.4)

4) What are the 3 causes of the "paradox of progress"?

B-2nd section: The Search for Direction

1) What is the thesis of this section? (p.5)

2) What are the 3 alternatives that people tend to adopt in order to obtain a certain meaning to their existence; which would guide them? (pp.5-6)

3) Why the author prefers to explain deeper the "self-help" books phenomenon than he does for the 3 first one? (p.6)

4) Why these kinds of books are not recommendable at all ? (pp.7 & 8)

5) What are those that are preferable acceptable to read ? (p.7)

6) What are the 5 ways to adopt in order to choose a good "self-help" book? (p.9)

7) What are the main reasons that show the fairness of the text book that we have to read? (pp.9-11)

C- 3rd section: The Psychology of Adjustment

1) In your own words, what is the definition of psychology? (p.11)

2)In your own words, how can you define the notion of "behavior"? (p.11)

3) Concerning psychology, why do scientists prefer to work with animals? (p.12)

4) What is the difference between "mental processes" and "behaviors"? (p.12)

5) How can be defined psychological processes? (p.12)

6) What makes psychology popular? (p.12)

7) Why can we link the concept of "adjustment" with Darwin's theory? (p.12)

8) In your own words, what is the meaning of "adjustment" (p.12)

D- 4th section: The Scientific Approach to Behavior

1) Why can many scientists advocate that psychology is one of most relevant study field? (p.13)

2) In your own words, what is the meaning of "empiricism"; what is its particularity? (p.13)

3) What are the 2 advantages of this methodological practise? (p.13)

4) In your own words, how can you define the notion of "experiment"? (p.13)

5) What are the 2 sorts of variables that are used in terms of experiments? (pp.13-14)

6) What is the deference between experimental groups and control groups? (p.13)

7) How can we detect the independent variable of a given situation? (p.14)

8) Why experimental methods cannot provide an explanation to all mental or behavioral situations? (p.14)

9) What is the aim of a given correlation? (p.15)

10) How does the measurement of a correlation function? (p.15)

11) How do we translate the size of a correlation through the correlation coefficient? (p.15)

12) Why a correlation do not depend directly to the sign (negative or positive) of the coefficient? (p.16)

13) In your own words, what is the definition of "naturalistic observation"?(p.16)

Monday, March 3, 2008

About the Reseach Project...

What have I learned about myself through this process? Well, that's a very good question. I've learned how it could be interesting and helpful to write something about a subject that we actually do not know very well but we have a general idea about it.

I was particularly attracted by the case of child labor because that is a curse that exist again in the modern era and we do know perfectly (nowadays) that children should not suffer ... that is our Duty to protect them because they worth protection.

One problem that I met during this process is the frequent changes of topic... well it was not easy to find an interesting topic even if you have the choice (at least that is my case).

Another problem was to mention the important information in only 14 pages... but actually we do not have that much time to write more than 15 pages.

Well, I have learned to follow teachers' assignments in order to not do what it not asked for.

I would certainly use the same technique for the next research paper that I will do in computer. At University, I will try to give acceptable feedbacks to my professors.

I think that before going to university, we should a paper like that. It is amazing how much we can learn about fro m this experience ... it is all about applying methodology in one particular language.