Sunday, March 16, 2008

Research Project Presentations

Concerning the research project presentations, I sincerely think that it was interesting and flourishing. I generally like all the presentations. Every body (except one) shows that he or she has worked so hard for providing knowledge treasures . I have learnt a lot from some of these presentations.
  • Thank you Dong for attempting to put us in a conscious position about our daily consumption of water... that can help to make a difference.
  • Thank you for your presentation Zicas. Now I definitely know that I would not be attracted by cell phones soon...(lol)
  • Thank you Nour, with your presentation I have paid attention of the smelling sense at least 35 minutes of my life.
  • Thank you Wang for all the diabetes information that you proposed us... it was very useful.
  • Thank you Xixi for trying to explain one of the visible humans' issues: Consuming what is not good for yourself while being conscious of its danger for health (destroying yourself - "slow suicide").
  • Thank you Tomas, trough your presentation you reminded me how powerful jazz music is. Oh yeaaaaaaaa (lol)
  • Thank you Jung, thanks to your presentation you make clear the importance of our critical thinking.
  • Thank you for your presentation Daryl. Even thought I disapproved completely the notion of "competition", I have to say that I appreciate your presentation because it emphases my belief that computers incompatibility is the worst characteristic between Mac and Microsoft(i.e.).
  • Thank you Faisal for having been there for your presentation...
  • Thank you Helen for your flourishing presentation. A real psychologist's job hein ! Don't give up that field Helen.
  • Thank you Yarno for putting forward the case of tobacco. I found the setting of your power point very well made up. Think that you should pursuit the way of communication if you can; because you actually have the method for explaining the main points of one topic.

Thank you all as well as Lili and Adrianne. That experience was truly great !

1 comment:

Daryl said...

WOW .. what a great post.
Although the first thing was I tried to find my name HAHA I got it (thank u), I like your opinions on everyone's.