Monday, March 3, 2008

About the Reseach Project...

What have I learned about myself through this process? Well, that's a very good question. I've learned how it could be interesting and helpful to write something about a subject that we actually do not know very well but we have a general idea about it.

I was particularly attracted by the case of child labor because that is a curse that exist again in the modern era and we do know perfectly (nowadays) that children should not suffer ... that is our Duty to protect them because they worth protection.

One problem that I met during this process is the frequent changes of topic... well it was not easy to find an interesting topic even if you have the choice (at least that is my case).

Another problem was to mention the important information in only 14 pages... but actually we do not have that much time to write more than 15 pages.

Well, I have learned to follow teachers' assignments in order to not do what it not asked for.

I would certainly use the same technique for the next research paper that I will do in computer. At University, I will try to give acceptable feedbacks to my professors.

I think that before going to university, we should a paper like that. It is amazing how much we can learn about fro m this experience ... it is all about applying methodology in one particular language.


Tomas said...

Hi Geraldine!

Yessssssss It would have been of great help for me if before going to the University somebody had taught me how to do a research paper the same way we have been taught in this course.

Jarno said...

You are one of the most hard working students in our class. And from your taking care to others projects, I really get encouragement from you